This site is exclusively for adult viewing and contains some erotic and nude pictures of our London escorts. You are only supposed to enter this site if you are legally allowed by the laws of your country and are over 18 of age. By accessing this London Escorts website, you claim that you are not entering it in any unofficial or official capacity, to acquire info to use in any media, use it against the owner of Exclusive Escorts or download images. Money exchanged is for only adult services between Adults, which are legal in the UK i.e., companionship and time alone. Anything inferred or implied on this London escort agency website is not supposed to be taken otherwise, as in for any other service other than this. Anything that takes place between clients and our escort girls in London is solely their private matter and something which happens between Two consenting individuals or more. All Escorts working for Exclusive Escorts in This Website are self-employed and responsible for paying their own taxes, If you do not agree with any of the statements above or are under 18, you are free to leave the site now.